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Car Accident Turns Fatal in Nampa

A car accident turns fatal the day after the accident for a Nampa resident reported Idaho State Police. A car was reportedly traveling eastbound on State Highway 55 in Nampa. The car went over the center line and into oncoming traffic. Meanwhile, no other vehicles were traveling westbound. Thus, the car ended up going into a field before coming to rest in a canal. The driver was transported by ambulance to a nearby hospital in Boise. It was reported that the driver was not wearing a seat belt at the time of the accident. The car accident turns fatal the next day when the driver reportedly succumbed to injuries. Idaho State Police are investigating the car accident.

Why a Car Accident Turns Fatal

In any case when a car accident turns fatal it is a great tragedy that perhaps could have been prevented. Here are some of the top causes for fatal car accidents in Idaho.

  1. Distracted Drivers. Distracted drivers make up 25 to 50 percent of all motor vehicle accidents in America reported research from the American Automobile Association. Whether reading a text message, putting on makeup or adjusting the radio a distracted driver could cause a serious car accident.
  2. Driving Drunk. An estimated 16,654 people were killed in a car accident involving a drunk driver in 2004 according to NHTSA. Prevent drunk driving by choosing not to drive drunk or let a friend or family member drive drunk.
  3. Speeding. When a driver chooses to speed they often don’t realize the risk they are taking. It takes longer to stop the faster you are going.
  4. Driving Aggressively. When traffic starts to get heavy it is easy to becoming impatient and attempt to drive more aggressively. An aggressive driver is someone who appears bold or pushy and does not consider the rights/safety of other drivers. Keep calm. Travel a safe distance from the car in front of you. Change lanes only if necessary.
  5. Weather. No one can control the weather. But you can control the way you drive in bad weather. Keep more space between you and the car in front of you than you normally would. If you are having trouble seeing the road, pull off to the side until it clears.

If you’ve been involved in a car accident, Parke Gordon is here to help. Call Mat Parke at (208) 322-7274.

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