Parke Gordon blog

Car Crash Killed Two Spokane Residents

A car crash killed two Spokane residents after their vehicle veered off Interstate 90. Washington State Patrol reported the driver veered off the Interstate and came to rest on a crossroad under the interstate in Adams County. Both the driver and the passenger in the front seat were pronounced dead at the scene. No other vehicles were involved in this car accident. Police are still investigating this car crash.

Annual International Car Crash Statistics

The following car crash statistics are from the Association for Safe International Road Travel.

  • On average, 3,287 deaths occur daily from a car accident.
  • Each year close to 1.3 million people die in a car crash.
  • Over half of those killed in a car crash are young adults between the ages of 15 and 44.
  • Car accidents are the leading cause of death for young adults between the ages of 15 and 29.
  • The average number of fatal car accidents in persons under 25 each year is 400,000. That is over 1,000 young adults each day.
  • Internationally, car accidents cost $518 billion.
  • Unless things change, car accidents are predicted to be the fifth leading cause of death by 2030.

Car Crash Statistics in the United States

  • In the United States, over 37,000 people are killed in a car accident each year.
  • 35 million people are injured or disabled in a car accident each year.
  • Close to 8,000 fatal car accidents involve driver between the age of 16 and 20.
  • More than 1,600 children under the age of 15 die each year in a car crash.
  • Each year, $230.6 billion is spent on road crashed in the United States.

Car Accident Lawyer in Spokane

After a car accident, you need an experienced car accident lawyer on your side to handle your case. The car crash attorneys at Parke Gordon Law Firm believe every client deserves fair representation against big insurance companies with deep pockets. Contact our Spokane law office today for a free consultation about your case. Call (509) 482-7274 now.

Spokane, Washington Law Office

Our Spokane, Washington law firm services clients in and surrounding Spokane, including for injuries and accidents in Spokane Valley and injuries and accidents in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Visit or call our Spokane law firm today. Parke Gordon LLC 421 W Riverside, Suite 515 Spokane, WA 99201 Phone:(509) 482-7274

Beat Goliath

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Call us and tell us what happened in your accident and we’ll let you know if you have a good case. From here we can make plans to move forward.

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We work with your medical providers to ensure you get the treatment you need and your bills are addressed. We’ll obtain witness statements, police records, and other documentation necessary to get you a top-dollar settlement.

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We’ve won thousands of settlements for clients so we know what your case is worth. We will negotiate a settlement for you and we will not stop fighting until we get every penny you deserve.

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