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Common Injuries Most Don’t Expect After a Car Accident

About 2.35 million people are injured or disabled after a car accident in a typical year according to the Association for Safe International Road Travel. Injuries incurred from a car accident are often life alternating due to severe injuries, permanent disfigurement, or even wrongful death. Often injuries incurred from a car accident are different from what people usually expect. The following are some common injuries most don’t expect after a car accident.

Common Injuries Most Don’t Expect After a Car Accident

Traumatic Brain Injuries

The force of impact from a car crash often will whip your head back and forth or cause your head to collide with something inside the car. These types of motions can often have a negative impact on the brain. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) causes long-term damage to your brain’s ability to function properly. These types of injuries are not always apparent right after the accident. Months later, an injured person or their family may notice them being forgetful, a change in personality, or becoming less patient, irritable or angry. Anyone who has been involved in a car accident, should watch for signs such as headaches and seek neurological car for suspected TBI.

Herniated Discs

Whiplash injuries such as neck and back strains are common injuries from car accidents. These injuries can be much more severe, however, than just a mild strain. Sometimes the force from a car collision causes the tissue between the vertebrae of the spine to rupture. This type of condition or injury is known as a herniated disc. Pressure and inflammation of the nerves coming out of the spine cause severe pain, loss of feeling, and even loss of control of your muscles usually in your arms or legs. Symptoms of a herniated disc may appear right away but can also develop weeks or even months after the accident. A herniated disc often requires surgery and can cause long-term disability.

Shoulder Injuries

When a person is thrown forward from the impact of a car crash, the shoulder being restrained by a seat belt often takes on much of the force. The seat belt restraint may also cause your body to twist in motion. Shoulder injuries are common after a car accident ranging from deep bruising to shoulder strains and even severe tears to the shoulder ligaments which would require surgery to repair. A shoulder injury often worsens over time and can become chronic. Never ignore should pain symptoms after a motor vehicle accident. Get checked out by a physician.

Knee Injuries

Often after a car crash, the driver or passenger will be thrown forward from impact and hit their knee on the dashboard. Many different types of injuries can result from such direct trauma such as a shattered patella or knee cap. Other damages could be the cartilage of the knee is damaged, torn meniscus, or patellar chondromalacia. A similar injury could be when the driver brakes so hard to avoid the collision that the knee is forcefully compressed. These injuries often require surgery. Again, the injury might not be obvious right away and can take some time for more subtle injuries to develop enough inflammation to become obvious.

Contact an Experienced Boise Injury Attorney

An experienced personal injury attorney can help you identify if your symptoms are something you could be compensated for. In addition, the attorneys at Parke Gordon Law Firm can fight to recover damages from your car accident case such as medical bills, lost wages, property damages and more. Call our Boise law office now for a free consultation. This is your opportunity to discuss your car crash with an experienced Boise injury attorney. Call (208) 322-7274 now to get started on your case.

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