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Essentials to Bring to Make Your First Meeting with Your Personal Injury Lawyer Go Smoothly

After an accident, you are likely in tremendous pain, under a lot of stress and feeling overwhelmed with what to do and what is to come. Hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer will greatly help you to get back on your feet and take the stress out of your case. A skilled accident attorney can help you recover any lost wages, medical expenses, and compensation for your pain and suffering. However, there are some essentials you can bring to make your first meeting with your personal injury lawyer go smoothly.

Essentials to Bring to Make Your First Meeting with Your Personal Injury Lawyer Go Smoothly

At Parke Gordon Law Firm, our understanding, knowledgeable and experienced attorneys understand many clients feel nervous at the first meeting. Most of our clients have never been injured in an accident or needed to hire a lawyer before. The following list is intended to help put your mind at ease and help you understand the things our experienced and trusted attorneys will ask of you at your first meeting.

Important Documents

While every personal injury case is different, there are some important documents that can often be helpful to your case such as:

  • An accident report or police report if your case involves a motor vehicle accident. If you do not have an accident report, you can contact the police department where the accident occurred to obtain a copy of the report. If you have not done this before the time of your first meeting, don’t stress. Our law office is able to obtain a report in your behalf.
  • All medical records and bills as well as any paperwork related to treatment you have received as a result of the accident. For example, discharge papers from the hospital, ER, or doctor’s office.
  • A list of all doctors that have treated you along with their contact information. You will be asked to sign a release in order for your attorney to access your medical records.
  • Medical and car insurance information for yourself and any other driver’s involved in the accident if you have it. If you have copies of your insurance policies, this can also be helpful to your case.
  • Any letters from your insurance company or the other party’s insurance company about the claim.
  • Pictures you took of the accident or any of your injuries. For example, if the accident involved other vehicles, pictures of the damaged vehicles could be helpful for your case.
  • A list of names and contact information of all witnesses to the accident if you have this information available. The police may not have gathered the contact information of all witnesses of the accident. If your attorney can obtain this information directly from you it will be incredibly helpful.

A Written Statement

After an accident and before your first meeting with your personal injury attorney, it is helpful to write a written statement of what happened before, during and after the accident. Details such as the day and time of the accident, the weather, the road conditions, and anything that the other party might have said to you before or after the accident are often helpful to your case. The sooner you take the time to write this statement the better. Often times details are lost in memory the more time passes after an accident.

Personal Injury Lawyers of Parke Gordon Law Firm

The experienced, aggressive and trusted personal injury lawyers of Parke Gordon Law Firm are here to help your case go smoothly. We get paid on a contingency fee. That means you pay nothing until your case is settled. If we take on your case, Parke Gordon will upfront all costs until we reach a settlement amount. Call us now for a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer at (208) 322-7274.

Beat Goliath

Free Consultation

Call us and tell us what happened in your accident and we’ll let you know if you have a good case. From here we can make plans to move forward.

Build Your Case

We work with your medical providers to ensure you get the treatment you need and your bills are addressed. We’ll obtain witness statements, police records, and other documentation necessary to get you a top-dollar settlement.

We'll Fight For You

We’ve won thousands of settlements for clients so we know what your case is worth. We will negotiate a settlement for you and we will not stop fighting until we get every penny you deserve.

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