Parke Gordon blog

Fatal Car Accident in Boise

A fatal car accident occurred in Boise Tuesday morning. The deceased driver of the fatal car accident was involved in a high-speed car chase with the Boise Police. The fatal car accident happened on Chiden Boulevard at the Inbound Connector. Authorities say, an off-duty police officer had just finished his shift when he noticed a car speeding eastbound on State Street. The driver turned too fast and nearly hit the officer’s car before driving on the wrong side of the street and running a red light. The officer called on-duty patrol, who followed the car at a safe distance and attempted to perform a traffic stop. The driver of the car pulled over for a few minutes at first. Panic must have set in and the car took off at a high speed, leading to a police chase. Police officers believe the driver was driving under the influence of alcohol.

Statistics of High-Speed Chases

According to a 2007 study published by the Washington Post, 233 suspects and passengers die per year in police-chased vehicles. 87 innocent bystanders are killed per year as well as three law enforcement officers. A total of 323 lives are lost each year due to high-speed police pursuits. This is greater than the number of people killed by floods, tornadoes, lightning and hurricanes combined. Innocent bystanders account for 27 percent of all police chase deaths. High speed police chases are incredibly dangerous for both participants and bystanders alike. According to a report published by the Association of Chiefs of Police and the National Institute of justice almost 91 percent of all high-speed chases are initiated in response to a non-violent crime. In fact, most chases – about 42 percent – involved a simple traffic infraction.

If you find yourself on the sidelines of a high-speed chase in a densely populated urban area, do everything you can to move you and your vehicle out of the way. If you have been involved in a car accident, call the attorneys at Parke Gordon for legal assistance. Let us fight the big insurance companies and get you the compensation you deserve.

Beat Goliath

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Call us and tell us what happened in your accident and we’ll let you know if you have a good case. From here we can make plans to move forward.

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We work with your medical providers to ensure you get the treatment you need and your bills are addressed. We’ll obtain witness statements, police records, and other documentation necessary to get you a top-dollar settlement.

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