Parke Gordon blog

Fatal Car Accident Into Dam Near Boise

A fatal car accident into dam near Boise was reported by Ada County Sheriff’s Office. Four people were killed in a car accident when the vehicle they were driving crashed into the guard rail and dropped into the water below. Dive teams are working to recover the bodies and the vehicle from the dam.

It was reported the vehicle dropped 50 to 70 feet from the road into the water before hitting the bottom of the dam. The top half of the car was crushed from impacted making it difficult to retrieve the body of the driver. The cause of the accident is still being investigated. Officials said there was no indication of braking before the vehicle went off the bridge. Witnesses reported the vehicle seemed to be accelerating before nearing the edge. Investigators will be going through the vehicle to determine if there were any mechanical problems.

Wear a Seat Belt to Survive a Bridge Plunge or Collapse

What are some survival methods in the event your vehicle ends up in water? According to an article published by ABC News, seat belts are the number one key to survival in the case of a bridge plunge or collapse. People who walk away from a large plunge most often do so because they were wearing their seatbelt. If you somehow get knocked unconscious during the fall and aren’t able to escape your car after impact, then chances of survival are minimal. Wearing a seatbelt prevents certain types of impact that are more likely to leave you unconscious. After your vehicle has hit the water, you have approximately three to five minutes before the car is completely submerged and filled with water. Also, keeping a glass breaking hammer in the car can save your life in case of submersion.

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