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Five Most Common Causes of Car Crashes

Idaho State Police reported a two-vehicle injury crash near Nampa, Idaho from a driver losing control. The car accident occurred when one driver lost control of their vehicle and sideswiped another car. Both vehicles went through the gore and across all lanes of traffic coming to rest against the cement barrier. The drivers of both vehicles were injured by the collision and taken to a nearby hospital for evaluation. Traffic was blocked for about an hour and a half while crews worked to clear the scene and police investigated. A driver losing control of a vehicle is one of the most common causes of car crashes. The following are five of the most common causes of car crashes.

Loss of Control

11 percent of all car crashes are caused by a driver losing control of the vehicle. Aggressive driving or drivers who are going too fast account for about five percent of all crashes. Another two percent account for drivers who do not slow down for slick road conditions. All of these types of collisions are considered to be drivers losing control.

To avoid these types of crashes, pay close attention to yourself driving as well as other drivers. Predicting what other drivers are going to do could save you from being injured in a car crash.

Driving Tired

About seven percent of all car accidents and 21 percent of fatal car accidents are caused by a driver who fell asleep behind the wheel. Studies conducted by AAA report that 37 percent of all drivers have fallen asleep while driving. 11 percent during the past year and 4 percent during the past month. The administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Mark Rosekind, said: “People are horrible judges of their own sleepiness.” Drivers are unaware of the danger they create by driving tired. We all think, “it won’t happen to us.” In reality, driving tired is one of the most common causes of car crashes.

Rear-End Accidents

Between 23 and 30 percent of all car accidents are rear-end collisions. This is mainly due to drivers following too closely to the car in front of them. Though it may be true that following close will get you to your destination faster, it won’t save much time. In fact, Science says only 26 seconds a day is saved from our hurrying.

Failing to Stop at a Red Light Before Turning Right

Many drivers try to make a turn before traffic going straight comes. However, all too often a pedestrian is hit by a driver who failed to stop at a red light before turning right. In fact, six percent of all pedestrian fatalities occur this way. Even worse, 21 percent of these fatalities are children.

Staying in the Lane

33 percent of all crashes happen when drivers fail to stay in their lane of travel or even on the road. Many people believe they are a great multitasker. However, considering all the distractions on the road (billboards, other car accidents, activities going on inside the car, etc.), it’s not true. Humans are not programmed to before more than one task at a time.

Personal Injury Lawyer in Boise

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, motorcycle accident, semi truck accident or other personal injuries, contact the experienced and knowledgeable personal injury lawyers in Boise at Parke Gordon Law Firm. Our law firm believes every client deserves fair representation against big insurance companies with deep pockets. Call the law office of Harvard law grad Mat Parke today at (208) 322-7274 now for a free consultation. We can usually tell you over the phone if you have a good case. You pay nothing until we win your case. Call now!

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