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Head-on Truck Accident Near Coeur D’Alene Left One Injured

A head-on truck accident occurred near Coeur D’Alene, Idaho leaving one man injured. Idaho State Police reported the injury crash east of Coeur D’Alene, Idaho. The truck accident involved three vehicles: a semi truck, a pickup truck and a compact car. It was reported that the pickup truck was traveling eastbound when it went over the center line and collided with a semi truck heading westbound. The pickup truck then spun around and hit the compact car which was traveling behind the semi truck. The semi truck landed in a ditch south of the highway. The man driving the pickup truck was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital for injuries. All other persons involved in this accident were reportedly uninjured. This truck accident remains under investigation.

Head-on Truck Accident National Statistics

Head-on car accidents took the lives of 6,684 persons in 1998 reported the National Highway Traffic Safety Association. Compare that to the 3,914 head-on fatalities in 2008. This is a significant decline, but it could still be better. Head-on truck accident fatalities make up more than 10 percent of motor vehicle traffic fatalities. In these head-on truck accidents, 74 percent of the victims were the drivers of traditional vehicles and not the semi truck driver.

Head-on Truck Accident Prevention Tips

  • On multiple-lane highways, drive in the right-hand lane. This will make it safer and easier to pull over into a ditch or off the side of the road rather than hitting head-on.
  • If you see an oncoming vehicle heading straight for you, quickly veer to the right. This will prevent you from going into lanes of other vehicles.
  • Gain more stability by keeping the two wheels on the driver’s side on the pavement when pulling over to a shoulder.
  • Choose to hit a fixed object on the side of the road rather than hitting another vehicle. The fixed object has no momentum and will usually cause less injury.
  • If you come across an aggressive driver, don’t react to them in the same manor. Let them pass.
  • Semi trucks require more time to react. Avoid making unpredictable actions such as quick lane changes.
  • Avoid driving in a semi truck driver’s blind spot. Always make sure you can see a truck driver in their side mirror. This guarantee’s that they can see you.

Personal Injury Attorney Mat Parke

If you have been injured in a truck accident, call Mat Parke. Mat has years of experience being an aggressive personal injury attorney. Call (509) 482-7274 for a free consultation.

Spokane, Washington Law Office

Our Spokane, Washington law office services clients in and surrounding Spokane, including for injuries and accidents in Spokane Valley and injuries and accidents in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Visit or call our Spokane office now.

Parke Gordon LLC 421 W Riverside, Suite 515 Spokane, WA 99201 Phone:(509) 482-7274 Parke Gordon

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