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How Overcorrecting Leads to an Auto Accident

Idaho State Police reported a fatal auto accident on westbound Interstate 84 when a driver overcorrected. The driver reportedly drove off the right shoulder of the roadway, overcorrected, came back onto the road and then went off into the median where the vehicle overturned. Both the driver and their passenger were ejected from the vehicle. The passenger, unfortunately, succumbed to his injuries at the scene of the crash. The driver was transported by ground ambulance to a nearby medical center for evaluation of injuries. He was later transported to another medical center in Boise. Traffic was blocked for about two and a half hours while crews worked to clear the auto accident and investigate.

Overcorrecting leads to many auto accidents. The following is how overcorrecting leads to such fate.

How Overcorrecting Leads to an Auto Accident

When a driver turns the steering wheel too hard it can cause the car to lose control. The driver then turns the over direction to correct the situation but usually more than needed. This is known as overcorrecting. At slow speeds, this is not a problem. However, at highway speeds, a car has less tolerance for hard turns. The car is likely to spin out, rollover, or otherwise veer out of control.

An example of when a driver might overcorrect is swerving to avoid an object in the roadway such as a deer. Yanking the steering wheel hard and making the car veer off the road at high speeds leads to many car accidents.

How to Recover from Overcorrecting Before the Car Crashes

  1. Firmly hold the steering wheel straight. If the ground of the shoulder of the road is soft, your car will pull to the right. Resist this pull by firmly holding onto the steering wheel while driving straight. Do not attempt to pull the vehicle to the left.
  2. Take your foot off the accelerator while continuing straight. If necessary, you could also apply the brake some.
  3. Slowly make your way back onto the road. Once you’ve allowed the car to slow down, ease your right wheels gently back onto the roadway. If the edge is too high, come to a complete stop before pulling back onto the road.

Idaho Auto Accident Lawyers

Looking for an experienced Boise auto accident lawyer? The car accident lawyers at Parke Gordon Law Firm have years of experience representing car crash clients and obtaining impressive results for them quickly. The auto accident attorneys at the law office of Parke Gordon Law Firm understand what it takes to get their clients the compensation deserved. Let us handle your car accident case. We will fight to get you the compensation you deserve including lost wages. In addition, you pay nothing until your case is settled. Call an experienced car accident attorney today for a free consultation. This is your opportunity to discuss your car accident case with an experienced and knowledgeable personal injury attorney.

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