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How to Avoid a Car Crash with Road Debris

Idaho State Police reported a commercial vehicle that lost its load on Interstate 84 near Caldwell. Debris was spread all over the westbound on-ramp blocking traffic for about three and a half hours. Police say property damage occurred from the crash, but no one was injured.

More than 200,000 police-reported car accidents resulting from road debris occurred between 2011 and 2014. Of these car accidents, 39,000 injuries and 500 deaths occurred. Road debris can be extremely dangerous for motorists, especially on highways or other places where cars are traveling at high speeds and have less time to react to avoid hitting the debris. Here are some tips to avoid a car crash with road debris.

Road Debris Statistics

Debris-related car crashes are often preventable. In fact, according to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, two in three car crashes caused by debris result from items falling from a vehicle due to unsecured cargo or improper maintenance. Common road debris includes things that detach from a vehicle or unsecured cargo such as furniture. Other common road debris could also include a tow trailer becoming separated from pulling vehicle.

Though every state has laws making it illegal for items to fall from a vehicle, fines can range from just $10 up to $5,000. In addition, 16 states list jail as a possible punishment for offenders of lost cargo.

How to Avoid a Car Crash with Road Debris

The following are a few tips to help you avoid a car crash with road debris.

  1. Scan the road ahead continually to search for any road debris or hazards.
  2. Always have a plan to escape in the event there should suddenly appear debris in your lane. Know where other cars around you. Maintain an open space in front and at least one side of your vehicle at all times. Should a need arise, you could steer into that open space to avoid a collision with an object on the road.
  3. Never tailgate! Leave a safe traveling distance between you and the car in front of you at all times. A good suggested amount of time is three to four seconds. More if the roadway is in bad condition.
  4. When driving at night or at dusk, be especially alert for animals or debris on the roadway.
  5. If you are about to hit debris, safely slow down as much as possible prior to making contact and try to hit it with a tire.

Boise Car Crash Attorney

If you’ve been injured in a car crash due to the negligence of a driver dropping debris, contact the experienced car crash attorneys at Parke Gordon Law Firm to handle your case. Our experienced and knowledgeable attorneys will fight for every penny of compensation you are owed. Call our Boise law office today for a free consultation with an experienced attorney at (208) 322-7274.

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