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Know How to Help Your Teen Avoid a Car Accident

Car Accident Statistics for Teen Drivers

Car accidents are the leading cause of death for teens age 15 to 20. When a teenager is driving other teens, their risk of being involved in a fatal car accident doubles. Each year, drivers under the age of 18 are involved in 900,000 car accidents. Why? Teens typically underestimate or are unable to recognize hazardous driving conditions. Drivers between the age of 16 and 17 are nearly nine times more likely to be in a car accident than middle-aged drivers. Forty percent of teen car accidents occur at night, usually before midnight.  These are scary statistics for parents of teen drivers. The following are some tips for how to help your teen avoid a car accident.

How to Help Your Teen Avoid a Car Accident

Practice Driving

The more time your teenager practices driving the better decisions they’ll be able to make on the road. In fact, a new driver’s car accident risk is three times that of a driver with experience.

Parent Sets Rules

Teen drivers who have parents that are involved are twice as likely to wear a seat belt. Before your teen receives a driver’s license, you should set clear and specific rules that are fair. Discuss the details of their driving restrictions and agree on what is discussed. Clear communication will help everyone understand what is expected.

Create a Driving Contract

After discussing your teen’s driving rules, create a driving agreement you both sign. You may want to also chart their progress, update the rules, and agree on car schedules. Then, keep the contract posted on an easily accessible place such as the refrigerator.

No Passengers

One of the main causes of car accidents are distractions. Other passengers, especially other teens, can be a huge distraction for new drivers. In fact, studies show each additional passenger in the car increases the likelihood of an accident.

No Distracted Driving (i.e. Texting)

11 teens are killed everyday as a result of texting and driving. Texting while driving is one of the most common causes of accidents, yet can be easily preventable. Take time to educate your teen about the dangers of texting and driving. You can also encourage them to take a pledge to never text and drive.

Driver’s Education

Driver’s Ed is essential for every new driver. Knowing and understanding the laws and regulations of driving in your state will greatly help your teen to be a better driver and lower their risk of being involved in a car accident.

Hire a Driving Instructor

Along with driver’s ed, it is also a great idea to hire a professional driving instructor for your teen. A professional driving instructor has certified experience as well as other resources at their disposal that could greatly help your teen’s driving ability.

Car Accident Attorneys

Looking for car accident attorneys and auto accident lawyers? Our car accident lawyers at Parke Gordon Law Firm have years of experience representing car crash clients and obtaining impressive money settlements quickly. Speak to an experienced auto accident attorney at our Spokane law office today during a free case review. This is your opportunity to discuss your case with an experienced, trusted and knowledgeable attorney for free. Call (509) 482-7274 now to get started on your car accident case with an experienced car crash lawyer in Spokane.

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