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Most Common Mistakes That Can Sink Your Personal Injury Claim

If you’ve been injured in an accident due to the negligence of another, you need an experienced, trusted and knowledgeable personal injury attorney to handle your personal injury claim. Why? Well, there are some common mistakes that can sink your personal injury claim making it, so you don’t receive fair compensation. Don’t let that happen to you! Contact the experienced attorneys of Parke Gordon Law Firm to handle your case.

The following are the most common mistakes that can sink your personal injury claim.

Representing Yourself

To receive the most compensation for your personal injury claim you must know and understand the law. This requires in-depth knowledge and experience with legal doctrines, insurance contracts, and regulations, as well as courtroom procedures. Without knowledge of these things, a person cannot plan and structure their case for proper handling. It is probable that you will do or say something that will sink your injury claim.

Here are a few real examples of cases Parke Gordon Law Firm has settled that illustrates how our law firm can maximize compensation for your personal injury case.

Case 1: Alone the client would receive $7,000. With Parke Gordon, the client would receive $29,000.

Case 2: Working alone the client would receive $13,000. Working with Parke Gordon, the client would receive $40,000 in compensation.

Case 3: On their own, the client would receive $30,000. With the help of Parke Gordon, the client would receive $102,000.

Case 4: Without an attorney, the client would receive $10,000. Parke Gordon was able to get $450,000 in compensation.

Failing to Seek Medical Treatment Immediately

If an injury from an accident goes untreated by a medical professional, a jury will then have to decide if the injury was incurred from the accident. Immediately after an accident, seek medical treatment. This will also provide you with proper documentation such as medical records that can later help your case.

Delaying Speaking to a Personal Injury Attorney

After an accident, the first few days are critical. Whether it was a car accident, motorcycle accident, slip and fall injury, dog bite injury, or other injuries, you will most likely be bombarded by calls from insurance companies and investigators. It is likely that you will say or do something that can hurt your case. Calling a personal injury attorney right away and have your attorney handle these matters. That will allow you to concentrate on healing and getting back on your feet.

Failing to Collect Evidence Immediately

In any legal claim, the evidence is crucial. As time passes, evidence fades and the memories of witnesses can become twisted. Preserve as much evidence as early as possible to help your case. Helpful evidence includes taking photos of the accident scene, and visible injuries. Take photos of your injuries right away and then keep taking pictures periodically as your treatment progresses. Gather the names and phone number of any eyewitnesses to your accident.

Giving a Written Statement or Recorded Interview to the Insurance Company

Insurance adjusters are trained to get people to agree to a quick settlement. That way, they don’t have to pay the full value of your claim. One of the first things an insurance adjuster will do is attempt to get a written or recorded statement from the drivers and injured claimants. Insurance adjusters will often use a recorded statement to twist the words of a client as the claim progresses. Do not give any sort of written or recorded statement or sign anything before talking with your attorney. Doing so can permanently harm your case.

Posting About Your Accident on Social Media Sites

Anything you post about your accident on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube, can be used against you. Any posting on social networks might be requested by other attorneys working against you. It is best to keep everything off the Internet and keep all comments between you and your lawyer.

Signing a Release or Medical Authorization Form

Unless you know exactly what you are signing, don’t sign. You could be signing a release or waiving your claims. Frequently, an insurance adjuster will ask you to sign a medical authorization form granting them access to your medical records. No matter what the adjuster says, don’t do it. In addition, do not sign any documents which have any language releasing your claims. Doing so could cause you to lose your rights forever.

Failing to Communicate with Your Hired Attorney

Remember when you hire an attorney from Parke Gordon Law Firm, you and your lawyer are a team. Communicate with your personal injury attorney to make your case go as smoothly as possible. Failing to cooperate with your attorney can waste valuable time and cause your case to fail.

Lying or Hiding Evidence Related to Your Case

Right from the start, let your attorney know about your medical history or any previous accident claims. This way, your attorney can plan for those matters and be prepared to address them should need to be.

Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer from Parke Gordon Law Firm in Boise, ID

After an accident, we understand the difficulties and stresses you may be facing. In fact, if you are not able to come to meet at our law office, our attorney will come to you. Do not hesitate to call the law office of Parke Gordon Law Firm to discuss your case during a free consultation. Our law firm works on a contingency fee. That means you pay nothing until your case is settled. You can afford to hire an experienced and knowledgeable attorney from Parke Gordon Law Firm. Call our Boise law office today at (208) 322-7274. We can usually tell you over the phone if you have a good case.

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Call us and tell us what happened in your accident and we’ll let you know if you have a good case. From here we can make plans to move forward.

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We work with your medical providers to ensure you get the treatment you need and your bills are addressed. We’ll obtain witness statements, police records, and other documentation necessary to get you a top-dollar settlement.

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We’ve won thousands of settlements for clients so we know what your case is worth. We will negotiate a settlement for you and we will not stop fighting until we get every penny you deserve.

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