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Motorcycle Crash Kills Two in Garden City, Idaho

A motorcycle crash took the lives of two woman last Sunday in Garden City, Idaho. The Boise Fire Department responded to the accident, where the two women were riding on a single motorcycle. The cause of the motorcycle accident is still under investigation but the women were pronounced dead at the scene. The police report that there was not another vehicle involved in the crash, but it is not yet clear what caused the motorcycle riders to lose control. Both women were 44 years old.

Motorcycle Crash Statistics

Motorcycle accidents accounted for 4,586 in the United States in 2014, according the the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway traffic Safety Administration. According to the data, that number represents a 6.4 percent decrease in total deaths form 2013. However, paradoxically motorcyclists older than 40 are more likely to be involved in a crash. Unlike car drivers, who are more likely to take risks when they are younger, researchers from Brown University found that over-40 motorcyclists were two and half motives more likely to sustain injuries than motorcyclists age 20 to 39. Researchers attributed this to declines in vision and reaction time, along with the larger-sized bikes favored by older riders which tend to roll more often.

Causes of Motorcycle Crash

Motorcycle driver behavior also contributes to overall crashes, including drinking while riding and speeding. Helmet fatalities, however, have decreased since 2013. Motorcycle type also plays a huge role in accidents. According to a 2007 report from he Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, “super sports” motorcycle riders had death rates of four times higher than those of other types of motorcycles. The drivers of super sports motorcycles were also statistically younger than drivers of other motorcycles – with an average age of 27. Touring motorcycles, on the other hand, have an average driver age of 51 years old. Drivers of sports model motorcycles who were fatally injured were 34 years old on average, whereas standard and cruiser drivers who were fatally injured were 44 years old.

Boise Motorcycle Accident Attorney Mat Parke

Mat Parke is a personal injury attorney serving motorcycle accident victims in the Boise area. Mat has years of experience and is dedicated to helping you fight your case. Call the Parke Gordon Boise office today at (208) 322-7274 for a free consultation.

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