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Recoverable Damages After an Accident Involving Injuries

After being injured in a car accident, motorcycle accident, semi truck accident or any other type of injury accident, the insurance company will press to come to a quick settlement. This is so you get as little compensation for damages as possible. The insurance company wants to save themselves money. Many clients don’t even understand what damages they may be able to recover for. This is just one reason why it is important to hire an experienced attorney from Parke Gordon Law Firm to handle your case. Our trusted and knowledgeable personal injury attorneys will fight for every penny you are owed. The following is a list of some damages that may be recoverable after your personal injury accident.

Recoverable Damages After an Accident Involving Injuries

Expenses from Medical Treatment

All expenses that were incurred during treatment are considered medical expenses. Emergency room, hospital costs, doctor visits, chiropractic care fees, physical therapy and/or rehabilitation are all bills that you should be compensated for. Your attorney will help you deal with the insurance companies and medical bills.

Future Medical Expenses

If you’ve been injured so severely that you will need on-going medical care as a result of an accident, your future medical expenses are also recoverable damages. The amount recoverable will be determined based on the advice of your doctors and other medical professionals.

Pain and Suffering

Physical pain resulting from an accident is also recoverable damage. Based on the nature of the injury, the severity of the pain, and by how long the pain lasts your recoverable damage will be determined.

Lost Wages

Sometimes after an accident, the injuries incurred keep a person from being able to work. You may recover lost income that you would have earn had you not been injured in an accident. Typically, the awarded amount includes the wages you would have been making between the time of the accident and the time of settlement or judgment. If you are unemployed but can prove you would have been earning income, you may also recover lost wages. In addition, if you can show that your ability to earn a living was impaired by the accident or injury for future earning capacity, that may also be recoverable.

Consortium Loss

When a spouse is injured in an accident damages such as loss of companionship, affection, comfort, solace, help and sexual relations may also be recoverable. These damages refer to the loss of the benefits of married life.

Emotional or Mental Distress

Sometimes a person will suffer emotional or mental distress after an accident or injury. Feelings of apprehension, anxiety, fright, nervousness, loss of dignity, worry, humiliation, shock, grief, or embarrassment are all considered mental anguish and can be considered recoverable damages. In addition, if you suffered permanent disfigurement from the accident, you may also be able to recover for mental suffering.

Property Damage

An obvious recoverable damage from the accident is property damage for your car or any other property that was damaged.

Recover Damages from Your Personal Injury Case

The attorneys at Parke Gordon Law Firm are experienced. We will recover damages from your personal injury case. Our law firm believes every client deserves fair representation for their personal injury case. Our experienced lawyers will fight for every penny you deserve. Let us handle the big insurance companies and make sure you get a fair settlement after your car accident, motorcycle accident, semi truck accident, dog bite injury, slip and fall accident or any other personal injury accident. Call our Boise law office now for a free consultation at (208) 322-7274.

Beat Goliath

Free Consultation

Call us and tell us what happened in your accident and we’ll let you know if you have a good case. From here we can make plans to move forward.

Build Your Case

We work with your medical providers to ensure you get the treatment you need and your bills are addressed. We’ll obtain witness statements, police records, and other documentation necessary to get you a top-dollar settlement.

We'll Fight For You

We’ve won thousands of settlements for clients so we know what your case is worth. We will negotiate a settlement for you and we will not stop fighting until we get every penny you deserve.

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