Parke Gordon blog

Road Rage is a Leading Cause of Car Accidents

Road rage is common throughout the United States. Road rage is also a leading cause of car accidents. In fact, 80 percent of drivers have admitted to exhibiting some form of road rage within the course of a year. A shocking 8 million act on their road rage, causing harm to people and damage to vehicles. Acts such as rear-ending another vehicle intentionally, confronting drivers on foot, etc. Idaho State Police reported a driver who was recently arrested for pointing a gun at another driver due to road rage.

What is Road Rage?

Road rage is the act of causing harm to another vehicle or person while driving on the road. This definition is according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Road rage can occur with a vehicle or any other weapon. In addition, road rage includes any act of violence performed by a driver or passenger in the vehicle.

Common Acts of Road Rage

A few common acts of road rage include the following.

  • Purposefully driving another vehicle off the road.
  • Making it impossible for another driver to change lanes.
  • Use of weapons to cause harm to a person or vehicle.

Road Rage vs. Aggressive Driving

While road rage and aggressive driving seem the same, they are not. Aggressive driving is an act you do while driving that does not follow the law. Aggressive driving does not cause direct harm to another person or vehicle. A few examples of aggressive driving include speeding, tailgating, and hand gestures to other drivers. Though aggressive drivers present no physical harm to a person or vehicle, aggressive drivers could still be dangerous.

Aggressive driving is a traffic violation while road rage is a criminal offense. An alarming 66 percent of fatal traffic accidents result from aggressive driving.

Tips to Avoid or Deal with an Aggressive Driver

The easiest way to avoid an aggressive driver is to not offend them. Be courteous. Never change lanes unless there is enough room. Leave plenty of space between you and the car in front of you. Never make hand gestures to other drivers. If someone wants to drive faster than you, get out of their way.

If you are unable to avoid the aggressive driver, make sure it doesn’t turn into road rage. Even if the other driver is unfriendly and yells at you or offers unkind hand gestures, do not return the favor. Instead, stay focused on the road and remain calm. Put as much distance between the two of you as you can to defuse the situation and avoid a car accident. If you are in any immediate danger, call the police. Never pull over to the side of the road. This would all easy access to you and put your life in danger.

Car Accident Attorneys in Spokane

If you have been involved in a car accident due to road rage from another driver, contact the experienced and aggressive attorneys of Parke Gordon Law Firm in Spokane. We will work to get you every penny you deserve. Call our Spokane law office now for a free consultation at (509) 482-7274.

Spokane, Washington Law Office

Our Spokane, Washington law firm services clients in and surrounding Spokane, including for injuries and accidents in Spokane Valley and injuries and accidents in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Visit or call our Spokane law firm today. Parke Gordon LLC 421 W Riverside, Suite 515 Spokane, WA 99201 Phone:(509) 482-7274

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