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Rollover Crash on I-84 From Driver Overcorrecting

A frequent cause of a car accident is when a driver overcorrects. An Illinois woman driving eastbound on Interstate 84 drove off the right side of the road, lost control of the vehicle striking the guardrail and then rolled after overcorrecting. Her vehicle landed in the middle of the eastbound lanes of traffic. The driver was trapped in the car from the rollover accident and had to be extricated. She was transported by air ambulance to a nearby medical center for evaluation of injuries. Idaho State Police reported both of the eastbound lanes blocked for over an hour while crews worked to clear the car accident. Officials say traffic was backed up for over five miles due to the blockage.

How to Avoid Overcorrection While Driving

Sometimes you may find yourself driving on the shoulder of the road by accident. If this happens to be sure not to overcorrect. To overcorrect means to oversteer due to reacting to an event such as driving off the road. Here are some tips to prevent overcorrecting while driving.

  1. Ease your way back onto the road. Your knee-jerk reaction will most likely be to quickly pull but onto the road. Don’t do it! A quick jerk of the steering wheel will likely cause you to spin out or drive into oncoming traffic.
  2. Get a firm grip on the steering wheel and drive straight while easing off the accelerator.
  3. While slowing, straddle the pavement edge.
  4. When traffic is clear, turn the steering wheel back toward the pavement and return driving as normal. Be careful not to steer too far so you don’t end up driving in the opposite lane.

How to Avoid a Rollover Crash

Serious injuries or death usually result from a rollover crash. As the driver, there are several things you can do to avoid a rollover car accident.

  1. Always remember to wear a seatbelt. Also, make sure all passengers in the vehicle are wearing a seat belt. Over 65 percent of rollover fatalities in 2010 was largely due to drivers and passengers not wearing a seatbelt.
  2. Leave enough space between cars. Always leave driving distance between you and the car in front of you. Doing so will ensure you have enough time to stop or move in the event of an emergency.
  3. Never drive drunk. Even a good driver cannot perform when intoxicated. Driving intoxicated causes the driver to make unplanned turns, swerving between lanes etc which can lead to a rollover crash.
  4. Watch the road conditions. If the temperature has dropped below freezing, be extra cautious of black ice. When roads are wet or slick, slow down. Road conditions play a huge roll in many rollover crash accidents.
  5. Reduce speed before a turn. A major reason for a rollover crash is taking a turn too fast. Vehicles will start to swerve sideways if going too fast for a turn.
  6. Be aware of the height of your vehicle. Taller vehicles will have a greater tendency to tip over and roll due to their height. It may be a good idea to choose a vehicle with a low center of gravity and a stable base.
  7. Balance your tires often. Always have your tires checked and your vehicle well maintained to avoid any kind of car accident.

Auto Crash Lawyer in Boise

If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident in or near Boise, contact the experienced personal injury attorneys at Parke Gordon Law Firm to handle your case. Our aggressive and professional lawyers will work hard to get you every penny you are owed from the negligent party. Parke Gordon believes every client deserves fair representation not just big insurance companies with deep pockets. Call (208) 322-7274 now for a free case review with an experienced personal injury lawyer.

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