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Semi-truck Accident from Debris Caused Five Vehicle Collision

A semi-truck accident from debris caused a five-vehicle collision in Meridian. The accident was caused when the left rear tires of a semi came off and rolled into traffic. The semi-truck driver realized the vehicle was beginning to shake prior to the accident. As the semi-truck driver slowed to move to the right shoulder, the tires came off. As the tires entered the far-right lane of traffic, a Jeep and a Ford F150 slowed to avoid a collision with the tires.  However, a camp trailer following behind the Jeep failed to notice traffic slowing and rear-ended the F150 which then rear-ended a minivan. The F150 then struck the rear of the semi-truck who originally started the series of collisions. All drivers were wearing seatbelts at the time of the semi-truck accident. Two persons were transported to a nearby hospital in Meridian for evaluation of injuries. All westbound traffic on I-84 was blocked for about two hours.

How to Avoid a Collision with Debris

Had the driver of the camp trailer been paying attention in the above semi-truck accident, the whole collision could have been avoided. That goes to show you just how important it is to keep your eyes on the road at all times and be alert. This is especially true when you are driving a large vehicle such as a truck pulling a camp trailer.

The following are some tips to avoid a collision with debris.

  1. Scan the road ahead continually to search for any road debris or hazards.
  2. Always have a plan to escape in the event there should suddenly appear debris in your lane. Know where other cars around you. Maintain an open space in front and at least one side of your vehicle at all times. Should a need arise, you could steer into that open space to avoid a collision with an object on the road.
  3. Never tailgate! Leave a safe traveling distance between you and the car in front of you at all times. A good suggested amount of time is three to four seconds. More if the roadway is in bad condition.
  4. When driving at night or at dusk, be especially alert for animals or debris on the roadway.
  5. If you are about to hit debris, safely slow down as much as possible prior to making contact and try to hit it with a tire.

Hire an Idaho Semi-truck Accident Lawyer Immediately

Semi truck accident attorneys or tractor trailer accident lawyers at Parke Gordon Law Firm in Boise believe every client deserves fair representation against big insurance companies with deep pockets. Our semi truck accident attorneys are experienced in representing clients in accidents caused by semi trucks, big rigs, tractor trailers, or other commercial vehicles. Semi truck accidents can cause serious injuries and sometimes result in wrongful death claims. Special considerations are owed in handling a semi truck due to the special federal and state safety laws that regulate trucking companies and their drivers.

Call our law office now. We can help take the stress out of the claim and make sure you get every penny you are owed.

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