Parke Gordon blog

Semi Truck Jack Knifed After Crashing into the Median

A semi truck jack knifed after crashing into the median according to Idaho State Police. The semi truck was traveling eastbound on I-84 when it went off the left should and crashed into the median. The driver was transported by ground ambulance to a nearby medical center for evaluation of injuries. Traffic through the left lane of I-84 was blocked for about five hours while crews worked to clear the scene.

What Does It Mean for a Truck to Jack Knife?

When a large 18 wheel semi truck and its trailer skid causing the trailer to swing out and stop to form a 90 degree angle, it is known as jack knife. The term jack knife refers to when the blade of a jack knife forms an angle with its protective handle. When a semi truck jack knifes it can create a very dangerous situation for any other vehicles on the road. To make matters worse, when a semi jack knifes it is likely it will also roll over.

What Causes a Semi Truck to Jack Knife?

Typically, when a semi truck jack knifes, the drive wheels are locked when they reach a slippery spot while the front wheels as well as the trailer keep rolling forward. Slick roads often cause jack knifing. Another cause for jack knifing is when the driver takes a curve too fast or swerves to avoid colliding with another vehicle or object.

Boise Semi Truck Accident Lawyer

If you’ve been injured in a semi truck accident due to the negligence of the driver, you need an experienced semi truck accident lawyer to represent you. Contact the experienced and knowledgeable semi truck accident attorneys at Parke Gordon Law Firm to handle your case. Our trusted Boise attorneys have handled many semi truck accident cases and received impressive settlements. Call (208) 322-7274 now for a free consultation. We can usually tell you over the phone if you have a good case.

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Call us and tell us what happened in your accident and we’ll let you know if you have a good case. From here we can make plans to move forward.

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We work with your medical providers to ensure you get the treatment you need and your bills are addressed. We’ll obtain witness statements, police records, and other documentation necessary to get you a top-dollar settlement.

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