Parke Gordon blog

Several Personal Injuries Reported at Boise Car Show

Boise Car Show

Several personal injuries reported at Boise car show when a car from the show sped out of the parking lot and lost control of the car running into onlookers. The crowd of people standing near the curb reported personal injuries many of which required hospitalization but none were fatal. Boise Police reported the driver of a Porsche Spyder from the show gunned his engine as he pulled out of the parking lot from the show, lost control and slide sideways through a crowd of people gathered on the grass. One onlooker standing near the accident said “The next thing that we know, everybody had been hit on the road, and the car was on the grass. It was chaos – completely unreal.” Those attending the car show and other bystanders rushed to the injured to assist. Police report that 11 people were hurt, some seriously injured.

The driver of the Porsche has not been arrested according to Boise Police spokeswoman Haley Williams and has not yet been charged with any crime. However, the incident is still under investigation. The crash will be reconstructed and toxicology tests are being done to determine the charges. Police on the scene of the accident said the crash was “not an intentional act.”

The staff of the car show wrote on their Facebook page “We want to express how deeply saddened we are over the incident that occurred Saturday. We have been monitoring reports of the victims and send our sincerest hopes for a fast and full recovery. We do not, nor have we ever condoned or tolerated unlawful exhibitions of speed at or around the event. Thank you for your support over the past few years. Please join us in providing prayers and well-wishes to all those affected.”

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