Parke Gordon blog

Six-Vehicles Involved in Semi Truck Accident on I-84

Idaho State Police reported six-vehicles involved in semi truck accident on I-84. The semi truck accident occurred when the semi driver was heading west down the eastbound off ramp on Interstate 84. Realizing the mistake, the semi truck then tried to turn around at the end of the off ramp, blocking the eastbound lanes. The semi truck was struck by five vehicles that were driving eastbound on Interstate 84. Thankfully, none of the drivers involved in this semi truck accident were injured. All drivers were wearing seatbelts. The eastbound lanes of Interstate 84 were blocked for about three hours while crews worked to clear the scene of the semi truck accident. Idaho State Police are still investigating the crash.

How to Avoid Wrong-Way Drivers to Prevent a Car Accident

Approximately 360 people die each year from wrong-way car accidents according to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). The following are some tips in the event that you encounter a wrong-way driver.

  1. Notice a wrong-way driver quickly. The faster you can realize a car driving the wrong direction, the more time you will have to avoid a car accident.
  2. Move to the right as soon as you can. Approximately 69 percent of fatal wrong-way car accidents involve alcohol. An impaired driver is notorious for driving slowly in the oncoming left lane (their right). Keep in mind, a wrong-way driver thinks they are going the right direction.
  3. Draw attention to yourself. Sometimes a vehicle may not be able to get out of the way of a wrong-way driver and are pinned by road barriers or other cars. Attempt to grab the attention of the wrong-way driver by honking and flashing your lights.
  4. If you cannot avoid a collision with a wrong-way driver, turn your vehicle sideways. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), reported 10 percent of fatal car accidents are head on collisions. By turning your vehicle sideways, you will increase your chance of not being seriously injured and increase your odds of survival.
  5. Call 9-1-1 as soon as possible. Never assume a wrong-way driver has already been reported.

Semi Truck Accident Lawyer

Contact the experienced Boise car accident lawyers at Parke Gordon Law Firm to handle your semi truck accident or car accident case. Our aggressive and trusted personal injury attorneys have handled hundreds of car or truck accident case. At Parke Gordon Law Firm we believe every client deserves fair representation, not just big insurance companies with deep pockets. We will work hard to get you every penny you are owed. Contact the law office of personal injury attorneys today for a free consultation. This is your opportunity to discuss your personal injury case with an experienced and knowledge attorney. Call the law office today at (208) 322-7274.

Beat Goliath

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Call us and tell us what happened in your accident and we’ll let you know if you have a good case. From here we can make plans to move forward.

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We work with your medical providers to ensure you get the treatment you need and your bills are addressed. We’ll obtain witness statements, police records, and other documentation necessary to get you a top-dollar settlement.

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We’ve won thousands of settlements for clients so we know what your case is worth. We will negotiate a settlement for you and we will not stop fighting until we get every penny you deserve.

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