Parke Gordon blog

Slick Roadway Conditions Caused a Truck Accident Near Eugene

Being injured by a negligent driver in a car accident is bad enough. To make matters worse, the negligent driver is uninsured. Your car was totaled and your medical bills are pouring in. Who is going to pay for all this? First, you need Parke Gordon Law Firm on your side. Our experienced attorneys will handle the insurance companies. Our law firm offers a free consultation with an experienced and knowledgeable attorney. In addition, Parke Gordon works on a contingency fee. That means you pay no attorney fees until your case is settled. However, you should know how to protect yourself from uninsured drivers after a car accident.

Protect Yourself from Uninsured Drivers After a Car Accident

The best way to protect yourself from an uninsured driver after a car accident is to rely on your own insurance. Uninsured motorist coverage can be used to pay damages to your car and medical expenses you have incurred.

In some car accident cases, it may be worth pursuing a lawsuit against the negligent driver to recover damages. A court may order the at-fault driver to make payments to you or issue a lien against his/her assets to compensate for your loss. An experienced car accident lawyer from Parke Gordon Law Firm will be able to assist you to determine if it is worth suing the other driver. Unfortunately, in most cases people who don’t have auto insurance don’t have a lot of money or assets to their name in which case, it would not be worth pursuing a lawsuit.

Receiving Compensation for Damages

It is always worth maximizing the amount from your own uninsured motorist policy. Typically, medical treatment alone costs more than $25,000 for serious car accident injuries.

Hire an Experienced Boise Injury Attorney

The best thing you can do to protect yourself is to carry a good auto insurance policy with good uninsured motorist coverage. In the event you are hit by a negligent uninsured driver, an experienced Boise injury attorney from Parke Gordon Law Firm will fight for a fair settlement. Parke Gordon Law Firm believes every client deserves fair representation against big insurance companies with deep pockets. We will help you beat Goliath! Call us now for a free consultation. You pay nothing up front. In fact, you owe us nothing until your case is settled. Call (208) 322-7274 now to speak to an experienced and knowledgeable attorney about your car accident case.

Beat Goliath

Free Consultation

Call us and tell us what happened in your accident and we’ll let you know if you have a good case. From here we can make plans to move forward.

Build Your Case

We work with your medical providers to ensure you get the treatment you need and your bills are addressed. We’ll obtain witness statements, police records, and other documentation necessary to get you a top-dollar settlement.

We'll Fight For You

We’ve won thousands of settlements for clients so we know what your case is worth. We will negotiate a settlement for you and we will not stop fighting until we get every penny you deserve.

Schedule your Free Consultation Today
