Parke Gordon blog

Speeding Vehicle Killed Two Pedestrians in Fruitland

Idaho State Police reported a speeding vehicle killed two pedestrians in Fruitland, Idaho. The vehicle was traveling northbound on US-95 in Fruitland. Suddenly the vehicle veered off the roadway and onto the sidewalk striking two pedestrians. This car accident is being treated as a homicide. A suspect is in custody.

Speeding Dangers

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported in 2015 speeding killed 9,557 people. Speeding is illegal for a reason. Speed limits are set to keep you and everyone else on the road safe. An important thing to note is that speeding is not just going over the posted speed limit. In fact, speeding is also traveling too fast for weather conditions or road construction. Getting caught speeding could not only result in a hefty ticket. Sometimes the driver will be required to appear in traffic court and auto insurance costs can increase.

Here are some things to think about the next time you are tempted to speed:

  • It will take more time and distance to stop the vehicle the faster the car is traveling.
  • Curves and objects in the roadway can appear unexpectedly.
  • Weather conditions on the pavement can change in an instant.
  • The posted speed limit is determined through analysis of how cars react.

Call a Personal Injury Attorney for Free

If you’ve been injured in a car accident or have a loved one killed in a wrongful death, contact the experienced personal injury attorneys at Parke Gordon Law Firm to handle your case. Our law office believes every client deserves fair representation, not just big insurance companies with deep pockets. Call us today to discuss your car accident or wrongful death case with a personal injury attorney for free during a free consultation at (208) 322-7274. We can usually tell you over the phone if you have a good case.

Beat Goliath

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