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Top 5 Reasons to File a Claim Quickly Following a Car Accident

There are several reasons to file a claim quickly following a car accident that you should be aware of. The after effects of a car accident can be overwhelming. There are so many things to do to make sure everything is done correctly. As a personal injury attorney, I’ve handled many car accident cases where the client wished they had filed sooner. Here are the top five reasons to file a claim quickly following a car accident.

  1. Statue of Limitation and Tort Deadlines

There is limited time to file a lawsuit. This is intended to preserve the integrity of physical and witness evidence.

  1. Free Consultation

Parke Gordon offers a free consultation to personal injury victims. If you think you have a claim, call our Spokane office at (509) 482-7274. We can usually tell you over the phone if you have a good case. We do not charge by the hour and do not require you to pay a retainer. That means you pay nothing until we win your case. You can afford to hire us. Call now.

  1. Memory is Best Right After

The longer you wait to file a claim the greater chance of memories becoming fogged. The integrity of evidence diminishes with time along with clear memories. It is always best to make a clear, concise statement directly following a car accident whenever possible. A personal injury attorney will be able to pin point important details that you may forget to include in your recollection. If you wait too long, you may not be able to answer critical questions.

  1. Possible Larger Settlement

You may be thinking you can save money by handling the case yourself. However, doing so is only counterproductive. A personal injury attorney is able to collect greater compensation in your behalf. Consider the following real case examples Parke Gordon handled:

Case 1: Alone the client received $7,000. With Parke Gordon the client received $29,000.

Case 2: Working alone the client received $13,000. Parke Gordon received $40,000 for the client.

Case 3: On their own the client received $30,000. With the help of Parke Gordon the client received $102,000.

Case 4: The client received $10,000. Parke Gordon received $450,000 for the client.

  1. Peace of Mind

Rest assured your case is in good hands with Parke Gordon. Hiring an attorney will allow you to recover properly. Let Parke Gordon fight big insurance companies to get you the greatest compensation.

If you were injured in a car accident, don’t hesitate to call our Spokane office or fill out the form to the right. Parke Gordon has recovered millions of dollars for their clients. Let us help you.

Spokane, Washington Law Office

Our Spokane, Washington law office services clients in and surrounding Spokane, including for injuries and accidents in Spokane Valley and injuries and accidents in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Visit or call our Spokane office now.

Parke Gordon LLC 421 W Riverside, Suite 515 Spokane, WA 99201 Phone:(509) 482-7274 Parke Gordon

Beat Goliath

Free Consultation

Call us and tell us what happened in your accident and we’ll let you know if you have a good case. From here we can make plans to move forward.

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We work with your medical providers to ensure you get the treatment you need and your bills are addressed. We’ll obtain witness statements, police records, and other documentation necessary to get you a top-dollar settlement.

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We’ve won thousands of settlements for clients so we know what your case is worth. We will negotiate a settlement for you and we will not stop fighting until we get every penny you deserve.

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