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What to Do If Your Car Catches Fire After a Car Accident

If your car catches fire after a car accident, what should you do? After an auto collision on I-84, a car caught on fire. Fortunately, the fire was extinguished quickly. The car accident first occurred when a vehicle traveling westbound failed to see the car in front of them stop for traffic due to construction. After rear ending the vehicle and coming to a stop in the median, the car caught on fire. Idaho State Police have not reported the exact cause for the fire ignition. The driver and a passenger as well as the driver of the car rear ended were all transported by ambulance to a nearby hospital for injuries.

If Your Car Catches Fire After a Car Accident

In the event that the vehicle you are driving catches fire, here are a few tips to keep in mind.

  1. Find a safe to pull over and stop immediately.
  2. Turn off the engine.
  3. Get out! Remove yourself and all passengers out of the vehicle.
  4. Move far away from the vehicle and stay away.
  5. Call 9-1-1 to report the incident.
  6. Stay out of the way of moving traffic.

Hire Car Accident Lawyer Mat Parke

Have you been injured in a car accident? Consider hiring a car accident lawyer. A car accident lawyer will be able to take on much of the stress of your case and fight big insurance companies for you. Car accident attorney Mat Parke is a Harvard law school grad with years of experience helping clients receive the compensation they deserve. Attorneys Mat Parke and Brent Gordon believe every client deserves fair representation, not just big insurance companies. The Parke Gordon Law Office offers free consultation from any of our attorneys.

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