Parke Gordon blog

What to Do When Your Car Accident Involves a Parked Automobile

When your car accident involves a parked automobile, would you know what to do? Idaho State Police reported a semi truck accident with a parked vehicle last Tuesday. A semi truck was traveling westbound on Interstate 84 when the driver failed to stay in the lane. Another semi truck was parked on the side of the road and was struck. The driver of the parked semi truck was in the sleeper cab at the time of the accident but was not injured. Both semi truck caught on fire from the semi truck accident. One westbound lane was blocked for about five hours while the area was cleared.

Tips if Your Car Accident Involves a Parked Automobile

  1. Stay Put. If you leave after hitting a car, it is considered a hit and run. Odds are high that someone saw you hit the car or it is on a surveillance camera. Also, it is against the law to leave the scene of an accident in every state.
  2. Leave a note if the owner does not arrive. Keep it short and simple. Most states require by law that the note include the following information:
  3. Your name
  4. Address
  5. Good phone number to reach you
  6. Description of the accident

If the car you were driving was borrowed, also include the name and address of the car’s owner. Also, include your insurance information in the note. Remember anything you put in the note can be used against you later.

  1. Document by Taking Photos. Take pictures of the damage done to both cars plus the license plate of the other car. Even small scratches or dents can costs hundreds to repair.
  2. Talk to Witnesses. Get the contact information of anyone who saw you hit the vehicle. Also, write down or video their description of the accident.
  3. Contact Your Insurance. Make a claim on your insurance. Once your deductible is met, your insurance will likely cover the damages.
  4. Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer. Hire Personal Injury Attorney, Mat Parke to handle any car accident case. Mat is an aggressive, experienced and trusted attorney serving the Boise area. Call (208) 322-7274 for a free consultation.

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