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When Your Car Accident Case is Taking a Long Time to Settle

It depends on the case when it comes to knowing how long it will take for a car accident case to settle. Occasionally, a car accident settlement can take a long time due to unforeseen circumstances. Every car accident case is determined either by an out-of-court settlement or by trial. Either way, it is possible to take a long time. Here are some factors that can cause a car accident settlement to take a long time.

Going to Trial

The majority of motor vehicle accident cases do not go to trial. Most personal injury attorneys avoid going to trial for the following three reasons.

  • An attorney knows what your car accident case is worth. Due to the experienced of an attorney, they have a good idea of what your injuries cost for medical treatment and damages. Your attorney can usually determine a fair value for your case without the input of a court.
  • A jury is unpredictable. When it comes to personal injury cases such as a car accident, juries have a hard time being objective. A jury may relate to one party over another or they may be unsympathetic to either party if they have experienced a car accident themselves. A good attorney does not want to leave their client’s chances up to the whim of a jury.
  • The cost to go to court is not worth it. Court proceedings are costly, and most attorneys are not willing to upfront the cost of a trial. Instead, an attorney will want to negotiate in a settlement.

In the event that one of the parties involved will not agree to settle, the case will go to trial. The time a trial takes varies from case to case. Typically, you can expect a personal injury case in a trial to take at least a year from the date of the accident to the conclusion of the trial.

Unforeseen Problems with the Case

Sometimes a car accident settlement can take a long time because of problems with the case. For example, proving that the other driver was 100 percent at fault may be difficult and take time if it is questioned at the time of the accident. Your attorney may need to take some time to investigate the accident and prove that the other driver is liable.

Another problem that could prolong a settlement of your case is if the insurer does not accept the evidence. In this case, your attorney may need to file suit and take the case to trial.

Big Settlement

If your case has the potential for a large payout, it may take a long time to settle. No insurance company likes to hand over large sums of money without a fight. For example, if your injuries are severe from the accident or involve lifelong disability, you could receive a large settlement. The insurance company, however, may delay the case in hopes that you will settle for less.

Time to Recover

If you are still recovering from injuries, your attorney can’t know how much your case is worth. You must reach the maximum medical improvement (MMI) before the true value of your case is known. If your car accident injuries are severe, your case could take months or even years to settle. However, your attorney can make a claim and make sure you are receiving proper medical care.

Contact Parke Gordon Law Firm

Rest assured that you can trust Parke Gordon Law Firm to handle your case. Our experienced, trusted and knowledgeable attorneys will do everything they can to get you the best settlement possible, faster. Sometimes it may take longer for a case to settle and may require a great deal of patience. Delays may be tactics from the opposing side, but your attorney may also need time to build a solid case and get you the best possible outcome.

If you have been injured in an accident due to the negligence of another, contact Parke Gordon Law Firm today for a free consultation. We can usually tell you over the phone if you have a good case.

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