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Who is Liable for Weather Related Car Accidents?

Weather related car accidents can occur at any time during the year. However, winter weather conditions typically have the biggest impact on motor vehicle accidents. Snow, ice, wind, fog, rain, and even wind contribute to car accidents by impairing vehicle control and limiting visibility on the roadway. When bad weather is to blame for a car accident, who is liable to pay the damages?

Who is Liable for Weather Related Car Accidents?

When a driver gets behind the wheel of a vehicle, they take full responsibility for their actions. Drivers are expected to stay off the roadway if weather conditions are too hazardous to operate a vehicle. That means a driver cannot use weather conditions as an excuse for causing an accident. Drivers are to use extreme caution when operating a vehicle on slick, icy or snowy roads. Precautions include slowing down, pulling over if visibility is poor, or staying home altogether.

When determining fault for an accident, a police officer will consider road conditions as well as the actions of both drivers. Typically, when a driver loses control of the vehicle, that driver will be held responsible for the damages caused by an accident. For example, if a driver slides into the vehicle in front of them due to ice, the driver will be held responsible for rear-ending and is liable for any property, medical or other damages caused. However, if icy roads cause two or more drivers to lose control and slide into each other, the responding officer may decide to hold each driver liable for their own damages.

Car Accident Attorney in Boise, Idaho

If you feel you are entitled to recover damages from a car accident caused by the negligence of another driver, contact the Boise law office of experienced injury attorney Mat Parke. Parke Gordon Law firm offers a free consultation. This is your opportunity to discuss your car accident with an experienced, trusted and knowledgeable personal injury attorney about your car accident. Call our Boise law office today at (208) 322-7274.

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Call us and tell us what happened in your accident and we’ll let you know if you have a good case. From here we can make plans to move forward.

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